Pensions Foz do Iguazu (Brazil) in Australian dollars

320 A$

Average pension Foz do Iguazu

As of 1 March 2025 the average pension Foz do Iguazu is 320 A$. The old-age pension Foz do Iguazu - 380 A$, disability pension 300 A$, survivor`s pension 210 A$, and the social pension is 210 A$.

Pensions Foz do Iguazu in 2025 and 2024

The average pension Foz do Iguazu in 2024 was 300 A$, and in 2025 - 320 A$. The growth of the average pension Foz do Iguazu for the year was 19 A$.


Average pension 320 A$
Old Age Pension 380 A$
Disability pension 300 A$
Survivor`s pension 210 A$
Social Pension 290 A$


Average pension 300 A$
Old Age Pension 360 A$
Disability pension 280 A$
Survivor`s pension 190 A$
Social Pension 270 A$


place is occupied by Brazil in the ranking of countries by pension size

Retirement age Foz do Iguazu

The retirement age for old age Foz do Iguazu comes at 65 years years for men and at 62 years years for women.

Men 65
Women 62


place is occupied by Brazil in the ranking of countries by retirement age

Life expectancy Foz do Iguazu

The average life expectancy Foz do Iguazu is 72 years years for men and 80 years years for women.

General 76
Men 72
Women 80


place is occupied by Brazil in the ranking of countries by life expectancy