Average pension Asomada
As of 1 March 2025 the average pension Asomada is 120 A$. The old-age pension Asomada - 150 A$, disability pension 120 A$, survivor`s pension 81 A$, and the social pension is 81 A$.
The average pension Asomada in 2024 was 120 A$, and in 2025 - 120 A$. The growth of the average pension Asomada for the year was 7.44 A$.
Average pension | 120 A$ |
Old Age Pension | 150 A$ |
Disability pension | 120 A$ |
Survivor`s pension | 81 A$ |
Social Pension | 110 A$ |
Average pension | 120 A$ |
Old Age Pension | 140 A$ |
Disability pension | 110 A$ |
Survivor`s pension | 76 A$ |
Social Pension | 100 A$ |
Unfortunately, we do not have data on the retirement age Asomada. If you have this information, please let us know.
The average life expectancy Asomada is 70 years years for men and 76 years years for women.
General | 73 |
Men | 70 |
Women | 76 |