Population Ostrovets (Belarus)

8 773


As of November 1, 2024 the population (permanent residents) Ostrovets is 8 773 people, including children under the age of 6 - 879 people, teenagers (schoolchildren) aged 7 to 17 years - 1 033 people, young people from 18 to 29 years old - 1 055 people, adults aged 30 to 60 years - 3 770 people, elderly people over 60 years old - 1 913 people, and the centenarians Ostrovets over 80 years old - 123 people.


place is occupied by Belarus in the ranking of countries by population

Population size Ostrovets by age groups

Children under 6 years old 879 / 10.03%
Teenagers from 7 to 17 1 033 / 11.78%
Young people from 18 to 29 1 055 / 12.03%
Adults from 30 to 59 3 770 / 42.98%
Elderly over 60 1 913 / 21.8%
Centenarians over 80 123 / 1.4%

Gender composition of the population Ostrovets

Total Ostrovets permanent residents 4 351 men (49.6%) and 4 422 women (50.4%).

Age Men Women Percentage of women
0 – 4285 / 6.5%228 / 5.2%48.9%
5 – 9285 / 6.5%224 / 5.1%48.7%
10 - 14 254 / 5.8%202 / 4.6%48.7%
15 - 19 215 / 4.9%175 / 4%49.2%
20 - 24 254 / 5.8%211 / 4.8%50.2%
25 - 29 377 / 8.6%316 / 7.2%50.1%
30 - 34 368 / 8.4%316 / 7.2%50.6%
35 - 39 338 / 7.7%307 / 7%52.3%
40 - 44 311 / 7.1%290 / 6.6%52.7%
45 - 49 285 / 6.5%268 / 6.1%53%
50 - 54 325 / 7.4%325 / 7.4%54.8%
55 - 59 342 / 7.8%373 / 8.5%56.7%
60 - 64 285 / 6.5%333 / 7.6%58.5%
65 - 69 197 / 4.5%263 / 6%61.6%
70 - 74 83 / 1.9%140 / 3.2%67%
75 - 79 105 / 2.4%219 / 5%71.2%
80+75 / 1.7%197 / 4.5%76.4%

Education level

Education level of residents Ostrovets: have higher education 23.1% (2 027 people), incomplete higher education — 2.5% (219 people), secondary vocational — 36.1% (3 167 people), 11 classes — 16.1% (1 412 people), 9 classes — 9.1% (798 people), 5 classes — 7.8% (684 people), have no education — 0.8% (70 people), illiterate — 0.2% (18 people).

Higher education 2 027 / 23.1%
Incomplete higher 219 / 2.5%
Secondary vocational 3 167 / 36.1%
Elementary school 1 412 / 16.1%
Middle school 798 / 9.1%
High school 684 / 7.8%
Without education 70 / 0.8%
Illiterate 18 / 0.2%

Employment, unemployment and pensioners Ostrovets

Total Ostrovets the number of officially employed population is 6 124 people (69.8%), pensioners 2 369 people (27%), a officially registered and registered unemployed 18 people (0.2%).

Employed population 6 124 / 69.8%
Unemployed 18 / 0.2%
Pensioners 2 369 / 27%


Total Ostrovets have a disability 696 people, what constitutes 7.93% from the entire population. Disabled of the group I are 94 (1.07.%), disabled of the group II are 291 (3.32.%), disabled of the group III are 278 (3.17.%), disabled children 32 (0.37.%).

Total disabled 696 / 7.93%
Disabled of the group I 94 / 1.07%
Disabled of the group II 291 / 3.32%
Disabled of the group III 278 / 3.17%
Disabled children 32 / 0.37%