Cities in Angola


cities in Angola

Currently in Angola 32 cities. Cities with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants - 1. Cities in Angola with a population of 250,000 to 500,000 people – 3. 100,000 to 250,000 people - 5 cities. From population 50,000 to 100,000 - 5 cities. and with a population of up to 50,000 people - 18 cities.


place is occupied by Angola in the ranking of countries by population

Cities in Angola by the number of inhabitants

Luanda2 644 318
Cabinda399 427
Wambo341 696
Lubango256 713
Куито185 302
Malange161 059
Lobitu149 249
Benguela134 523
Uizhe119 815
Namibe92 609
Luena86 784
Saurimo80 445
Soyo77 368
Sumbe51 749
N’dalatando46 606
Kaala42 207
Kubal42 158
Dundo41 066
Negage38 609
Matala33 998
Bailundo33 140
Menongue32 203
Mbanza-Congo31 645
Dondo31 216
Uku29 194
Lukapa27 924
Waku-Kungo27 638
Andulo27 611
Ganda26 763
Katumbela25 933
Ambrish17 000
Jamba10 000