Cities in Chile


cities in Chile

Currently in Chile 48 cities. Cities with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants - 1. Cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants - 1. Cities in Chile with a population of 250,000 to 500,000 people – 6. 100,000 to 250,000 people - 21 cities. From population 50,000 to 100,000 - 19 cities.


place is occupied by Chile in the ranking of countries by population

Cities in Chile by the number of inhabitants

Santiago6 579 190
Puente Alto886 132
Antofagasta369 855
San Bernardo325 241
Viña del Mar285 513
Valparaiso267 213
Temuco257 556
Rancagua252 819
Iquique245 299
Talca236 774
Puerto Mont218 903
Concepcion210 718
La Serena207 979
Coquimbo206 944
Arica197 009
Kilpue165 174
Copiapo164 773
Osorno159 216
Chilyan157 122
Los Angeles154 152
Kalama154 092
Valdivia151 743
Talcahuano144 484
Villa Alemana132 706
Punta Arenas129 692
Curiko118 317
Alto Hospicio114 840
Coronel111 313
Colin103 639
Hulpin98 702
San Antonio97 567
Chiguayante93 314
San Pedro de la Paz92 075
Penyaflor88 668
Oval85 729
Quillot76 203
Linares75 232
Los Andes72 337
Talagante69 639
San Felipe66 876
Melipilla65 186
San Fernando60 904
Koyayke57 050
Penko55 159
La Calera54 663
Angol51 343
Lot51 049
Buin50 691