Cities in Turkmenistan


cities in Turkmenistan

Currently in Turkmenistan 26 cities. Cities with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants - 1. Cities in Turkmenistan with a population of 250,000 to 500,000 people – 1. 100,000 to 250,000 people - 2 cities. From population 50,000 to 100,000 - 6 cities. and with a population of up to 50,000 people - 16 cities.


place is occupied by Turkmenistan in the ranking of countries by population

Cities in Turkmenistan by the number of inhabitants

Ashgabat1 003 678
Turkmenabat408 906
Dashoguz227 184
Mary208 682
Balkanabat89 785
Serdar89 582
Bayramali88 486
Tejen77 024
Turkmenbashi70 962
Magdanly64 845
Atamurat38 350
Yolöten37 705
Kunya-Urgench34 677
Annau29 606
Khazar28 095
Kumdag26 831
Gumdag26 238
Beherden24 702
Gazojak24 251
Bereket23 261
Gökdepe21 154
Sadie20 491
Serkhetabad14 940
Karabogaz7 300
Shatlyk7 000
Esenguly5 823