Population in the Republic of Mordovia

Republic of Mordovia
790 197


As of September 1, 2024 the population (permanent residents) in the Republic of Mordovia is 790 197 people, including children under the age of 6 - 78 822 people, teenagers (schoolchildren) aged 7 to 17 years - 93 441 people, young people from 18 to 29 years old - 94 626 people, adults aged 30 to 60 years - 339 982 people, elderly people over 60 years old - 172 263 people, and the centenarians in the Republic of Mordovia over 80 years old - 11 063 people.


place is occupied by Russia in the ranking of countries by population

Population size in the Republic of Mordovia by age groups

Children under 6 years old
78 822 / 9.98%
Teenagers from 7 to 17
93 441 / 11.83%
Young people from 18 to 29
94 626 / 11.98%
Adults from 30 to 59
339 982 / 43.03%
Elderly over 60
172 263 / 21.8%
Centenarians over 80
11 063 / 1.4%

National composition of the population in the Republic of Mordovia

National composition of the population in the Republic of Mordovia, according to the latest population census, distributed approximately as follows: russians — 421 965 (53.40%) people, mordva — 316 079 (40.00%) people, tatars — 41 090 (5.20%) people, other nationalities (less than 0.5% each) — 11 063 (1.4%).

421 965 / 53.40%
316 079 / 40.00%
41 090 / 5.20%

Gender composition of the population in the Republic of Mordovia

Total in the Republic of Mordovia permanent residents 348 793 men (44.14%) and 441 404 women (55.86%).

Percentage of women
0 – 4
18 080 / 5.2%
17 258 / 3.9%
5 – 9
15 646 / 4.5%
17 700 / 4.0%
10 - 14
14 951 / 4.3%
15 930 / 3.6%
15 - 19
18 080 / 5.2%
18 585 / 4.2%
20 - 24
22 600 / 6.5%
19 913 / 4.5%
25 - 29
28 163 / 8.1%
28 763 / 6.5%
30 - 34
25 033 / 7.2%
24 338 / 5.5%
35 - 39
22 252 / 6.4%
26 108 / 5.9%
40 - 44
23 643 / 6.8%
28 763 / 6.5%
45 - 49
26 077 / 7.5%
30 533 / 6.9%
50 - 54
31 987 / 9.2%
38 056 / 8.6%
55 - 59
34 421 / 9.9%
42 481 / 9.6%
60 - 64
24 686 / 7.1%
39 383 / 8.9%
65 - 69
18 080 / 5.2%
27 436 / 6.2%
70 - 74
6 954 / 2.0%
14 160 / 3.2%
75 - 79
10 431 / 3.0%
27 436 / 6.2%
6 606 / 1.9%
25 666 / 5.8%

Education level

Education level of residents in the Republic of Mordovia: have higher education 22.2% (175 424 people), incomplete higher education — 2.8% (22 126 people), secondary vocational — 36.5% (288 422 people), 11 classes — 19.8% (156 459 people), 9 classes — 7.5% (59 265 people), 5 classes — 7.2% (56 894 people), have no education — 0.6% (4 741 people), illiterate — 0.3% (2 371 people).

Higher education
175 424 / 22.2%
Incomplete higher
22 126 / 2.8%
Secondary vocational
288 422 / 36.5%
Elementary school
156 459 / 19.8%
Middle school
59 265 / 7.5%
High school
56 894 / 7.2%
Without education
4 741 / 0.6%
2 371 / 0.3%

Employment, unemployment and pensioners in the Republic of Mordovia

Total in the Republic of Mordovia the number of officially employed population is 470 957 people (59.6%), pensioners 229 157 people (29%), a officially registered and registered unemployed 45 831 people (5.8%).

Employed population
470 957 / 59.6%
45 831 / 5.8%
229 157 / 29%


Total in the Republic of Mordovia have a disability 62 979 people, what constitutes 7.97% from the entire population. Disabled of the group I are 7 428 (0.94.%), disabled of the group II are 26 946 (3.41.%), disabled of the group III are 24 812 (3.14.%), disabled children 3 793 (0.48.%).

Total disabled
62 979 / 7.97%
Disabled of the group I
7 428 / 0.94%
Disabled of the group II
26 946 / 3.41%
Disabled of the group III
24 812 / 3.14%
Disabled children
3 793 / 0.48%
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