Population of the Sovetskiy district of the Stavropol Territory

Stavropol Territory
59 107


As of September 1, 2024 the population (permanent residents) of the Sovetskiy district is 59 107 people, including children under the age of 6 - 5 911 people, teenagers (schoolchildren) aged 7 to 17 years - 6 975 people, young people from 18 to 29 years old - 7 093 people, adults aged 30 to 60 years - 25 416 people, elderly people over 60 years old - 12 885 people, and the centenarians of the Sovetskiy district over 80 years old - 827 people.


place is occupied by Russia in the ranking of countries by population

Population size of the Sovetskiy district by age groups

Children under 6 years old
5 911 / 10%
Teenagers from 7 to 17
6 975 / 11.8%
Young people from 18 to 29
7 093 / 12%
Adults from 30 to 59
25 416 / 43%
Elderly over 60
12 885 / 21.8%
Centenarians over 80
827 / 1.4%

Gender composition of the population of the Sovetskiy district

Total of the Sovetskiy district permanent residents 26 178 men (44.29%) and 32 929 women (55.71%).

Percentage of women
0 – 4
1 742 / 6.7%
1 887 / 5.7%
5 – 9
1 847 / 7.1%
1 887 / 5.7%
10 - 14
1 508 / 5.8%
1 589 / 4.8%
15 - 19
1 326 / 5.1%
1 622 / 4.9%
20 - 24
1 560 / 6.0%
1 655 / 5.0%
25 - 29
2 029 / 7.8%
2 284 / 6.9%
30 - 34
2 081 / 8.0%
2 350 / 7.1%
35 - 39
2 003 / 7.7%
2 218 / 6.7%
40 - 44
1 794 / 6.9%
2 052 / 6.2%
45 - 49
1 690 / 6.5%
1 854 / 5.6%
50 - 54
1 820 / 7.0%
2 416 / 7.3%
55 - 59
2 029 / 7.8%
2 615 / 7.9%
60 - 64
1 742 / 6.7%
2 383 / 7.2%
65 - 69
1 066 / 4.1%
1 854 / 5.6%
70 - 74
520 / 2.0%
1 158 / 3.5%
75 - 79
754 / 2.9%
1 854 / 5.6%
494 / 1.9%
1 423 / 4.3%

Education level

Education level of residents of the Sovetskiy district: have higher education 22.1% (13 063 people), incomplete higher education — 2.1% (1 241 people), secondary vocational — 30.5% (18 028 people), 11 classes — 19.0% (11 230 people), 9 classes — 11.0% (6 502 people), 5 classes — 9.3% (5 497 people), have no education — 1.2% (709 people), illiterate — 0.4% (236 people).

Higher education
13 063 / 22.1%
Incomplete higher
1 241 / 2.1%
Secondary vocational
18 028 / 30.5%
Elementary school
11 230 / 19.0%
Middle school
6 502 / 11.0%
High school
5 497 / 9.3%
Without education
709 / 1.2%
236 / 0.4%

Employment, unemployment and pensioners of the Sovetskiy district

Total of the Sovetskiy district the number of officially employed population is 35 228 people (59.6%), pensioners 17 141 people (29%), a officially registered and registered unemployed 3 428 people (5.8%).

Employed population
35 228 / 59.6%
3 428 / 5.8%
17 141 / 29%


Total of the Sovetskiy district have a disability 4 711 people, what constitutes 7.97% from the entire population. Disabled of the group I are 556 (0.94.%), disabled of the group II are 2 016 (3.41.%), disabled of the group III are 1 856 (3.14.%), disabled children 284 (0.48.%).

Total disabled
4 711 / 7.97%
Disabled of the group I
556 / 0.94%
Disabled of the group II
2 016 / 3.41%
Disabled of the group III
1 856 / 3.14%
Disabled children
284 / 0.48%
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